
NEWSLETTER November 2019

Newcombe House Planning Inquiry update

Dear Members and supporters,

 The Planning Inquiry ended last Friday and the Inspector said she will make her recommendation to the Secretary of State for Housing and Communities in “months rather than weeks”.  The Secretary of State is not bound to follow the recommendation of the Inspector; it remains to be seen whether Robert Jenrick MP will still be in office when the report is delivered.  
At least one committee member attended each of the 8 days, and we sincerely thank those of you who made the time and effort to join us and show your support. Ten objectors spoke, including two HVRA committee members, one from the Pembridge Association, John Zamit of BRA/SEBRA, Barbara Weiss of the Skyline Campaign (skylinecampaign.org), Action Disability K&C (adkc.org.uk), Emma Dent Coad MP and Cllr Robert Freeman.
As explained at our last EGM, after careful deliberation we opted not to incur the costs of separate legal representation. However, we commissioned some revealing computer generated images (two of which are shown here) to demonstrate more clearly the visual impact on the area of the proposed tower.  The inspector was impressed by our images and, as a result, suggested that the applicant might want to produce more comprehensive images of their own.  
Our focus so far has been on representing the residents’ perspective to the greatest effect.  As our speakers illustrated, these proposals threaten the core of our community and, even from afar, the view of the proposed tower would be inescapable.  Notting Hill deserves a much better development.  As the dust settles after the hearing we are now looking to meet the expenses HVRA has incurred.  We are most grateful for the generous donations which many of you have made thus far, and which have made a real difference to our campaign.  However, we still have a shortfall and should be grateful if a few more of you felt able to “dig deep” to contribute towards those costs. Please send donations by cheque (made out to HVRA) to the Treasurer, 46 Sheffield Terrace W8 7NA; or preferably by direct bank transfer to HVRA’s Lloyds Bank account, at:

Sort code  - 30 96 19
A/c 26278968 
(Please put your name as a reference)

With many thanks, as ever, for your support,

The HVRA Committee




TfL have now analysed the results of their consultation:

“...over 5,000 people responded to our consultation. Over 70 per cent of respondents thought the proposals would enable more people to walk, with 58 per cent saying the same about cycling. A majority of people also believed the changes would reduce the number of private car journeys in the area.”

RBKC responded to the consultation with a statement which explained they could not support the proposals in their current form, highlighting several areas of concern, reflecting issues raised by local residents and stakeholders. They also made clear there were several aspects of the proposals which they potentially would be supportive of, and that they would be open to discuss the scheme further with TfL.

As mentioned in previous newsletters, HVRA is an active member of the cycling liaison subcommittee of 7 local Residents’ Associations, chaired by Norland CS. A meeting is being arranged with TfL to discuss the results of their report.

TfL say they have developed a series of potential improvements that could be made to our proposals in Kensington & Chelsea, which they believe would satisfy the concerns raised in consultation. Ahead of our meeting with TfL It would be great if those of our members and associates with an interest in this could look at least at some of the TfL report linked here tfl.gov.uk/wood-notting, and give us your views. As you can see, TFL is pushing back on RBKC despite the >11,000 signatories on the “save the trees” petition. We have grave concerns about this, including around “rat running” which has already increased greatly since the Bayswater scheme.



We regret to report that RBKC planning committee recently approved the bland airport style hotel proposed by Frogmore at the M&S site, despite representations from HVRA and other local RAs. We anticipate the project will be started early next year. Sadly, we believe there is no realistic prospect of a successful challenge to this decision.



We quoted Simon Jenkins in one of our presentations to the Newcombe House Inquiry Inspector, and in the later chapters of his excellent new “Short History of London“ he summarises the lamentable post war history of developers’ tactics and planners’ “mistakes”.
He also refers to a priceless 24-minute movie made in 1946 to market the GLC’s Abercrombie plan for London (motorway boxes etc) which became so discredited 20 years later. This tragicomic time capsule is sometimes quite hilarious. The delivery is wooden, but the unspoilt skyline is enough to make one weep.
Watch 'Proud City: A Plan for London' on BFI Player. Post-war town planning for "the greatest city the world has ever known".





As many of you already know, the last hurdle of the Newcombe House campaign is upon us.

The Newcombe House proposals were rejected by RBK&C in March 2016. A subsequent Appeal was dismissed in June 2017. The plans were resubmitted with minor amendments and again refused in January 2018 by RBK&C, only to be “called in” by the Mayor for his own determination in the autumn of 2018. The GLA permitted these monstrous plans despite representations from RBK&C, residents’ associations, Disability Action Kensington, the Skyline Campaign and HVRA. Finally, in March this year, the Secretary of State for Housing and Communities again called in the application, this time for his own determination. As you will have observed, this has been a long battle and it is not over yet.

In practical terms this is likely to be the final decision on this application. There will be an 8-day hearing by a Planning Inspector, who will make a recommendation to Robert Jenrick MP, the current Secretary of State. Jenrick will make his own decision based on the information before him, including the Inspector’s recommendation.

There is overwhelming local opposition to the proposals for Newcombe House and we are determined not to be steamrolled by deep-pocketed developers with legions of expensive lawyers and consultants. At every stage we have been told that we had no chance of success against these forces and, as you will have seen, at every stage we have fought and so far there is no Newcombe tower!

It is, therefore, essential that HVRA, the local residents and all the other organisations opposed to these proposals pull out all the stops.

Your help and support in this would be very much appreciated. Please see below for how to help.



If allowed on the corner of Notting Hill Gate and Kensington Church Street, it will be a 72m 18-storey tower, over 50% taller than the existing 47m, 12-storey building and dominating the surrounding 2-4 storey 9m houses. The developer’s proposals would have a devastating impact on Notting Hill and the surrounding area.

ACT NOW to preserve Notting Hill's unique character and stop this inappropriate development being approved: it is too high, its design is out of keeping with the area and the proposals do not provide the kind of housing that the Borough needs. PLEASE ENCOURAGE your friends and neighbours, local associations, parents at school gates, anyone who cares about Notting Hill, press, bloggers, etc.

FOUR practical things you can do:

1. We would be most grateful if you could EMAIL HVRA TO CONFIRM YOUR SUPPORT of our objectives and opposition to the current Newcombe House proposals. Please respond so that we can count you as a supporter. In doing so, you will lend greater credibility to our cause.

2. ATTEND AS MUCH OF THE HEARING AS YOU CAN to show the strength of local opposition to the developer’s plans. The hearing is scheduled to last 8 ‘sitting days’ which means 10am to 4pm 5th-8th and 12th-15th November. The venue is: the Conservatory Room, Park City Grand Plaza Kensington Hotel, 18-30 Lexham Gardens, W8 5JE (www.parkcitylondon.com).
This hearing is our last chance to fight for a better scheme for the regeneration of Newcombe House. HVRA will be at the hearing, then, to represent the views of its members. The larger the number of supporters, the louder our voice and the greater the chance of defeating these monstrous proposals!

3. JOIN THE HILLGATE VILLAGE RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION TODAY and support our work on this vital matter of concern to our community. The annual membership is £15 per person.

Cheques payable to “HVRA”
The HVRA Treasurer
46 Sheffield Terrace
London W8 7NA

Make a bank transfer to our account:
Account name: HVRA
Sort code: 30 96 19
Account number: 26278968

Please email us on hillgatevillage@outlook.com when you have done that so that we can update your details.

4. If members have SPECIFIC OBJECTIONS, which must relate to planning issues, please email HVRA for consideration in formulating our submissions.

With your support we can make a difference and fight this inappropriate development!

Notting Hill deserves better. We do not have to put up with major works and accept a plan just because it is the only on the table at the moment:

"The true test of any big regeneration scheme is that it replaces what exists with something better" Dave Hill, The Guardian 25/06/2015



Brief Updates including TfL, Royal Parks (action requested), Newcombe House and the Carnival

Your committee is keeping busy, and we need to update you, starting with traffic related issues:

TfL cycle superhighway

We attended the June 26th Council meeting where RBKC reconfirmed its opposition to TFL’s “cycle superhighway”. The debate centred on the “Save the Trees” petitionwhich now has over 8500 signatures (the report on the council meeting can be found here).

On 27th June a “liaison group” met, combining local Residents' Associations (RAs) including the Kensington Society (KS) and representatives from Hammersmith and Chiswick. We believe joining forces with other RAs on this area-wide matter is essential, and the group will work with RBKC to help identify “quiet way” alternatives. 

Instead of a “super highway” causing more vehicular rat running due to severely increased congestion on the Avenue, cyclists would be encouraged to use those quieter streets. We agree with RBKC that this is the preferable solution for the vast majority of residents. 

TFL’s proposal featured in a 12 minute slot on 30thJune BBC1 “Sunday Politics” (starting 5 minutes in). Watch it by clicking here.

The report featured, amongst others, RBKC Cllr Johnny Thalassites, Ben Lidgate and Dr Will Norman, the Mayor’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner. The lively discussion exposed a number of flaws in TfL’s reasoning.

Will Norman said RBKC “stopped listening” to the views of local residents; in fact listening is exactly what they did, as Cllr Johnny explained in the report. There was some disagreement over the numbers of respondents to the consultation; objectors were dismissed by proponents of the scheme as “a vociferous few” and opposition to the removal of trees as the result of “misinformation”.

Dr Norman also invited RBKC to renew discussions with him. Meanwhile, RBKC continue to develop the “Quiet Way” programme of cycling alternatives.

For further information and updates on the TfL cycle route situation see our dedicated page: www.hillgatevillage.com/tfl-cycle-route-plans

Royal Parks consultation closing July 14th (action requested!)

On a related matter, Royal Parks have a “Movement Strategy” consultation closing on July 14, on traffic in parks. We would strongly encourage you to look at this short document (click here), and respond by the deadline.

The Friends of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens sent an information newsletter on the topic, which can be viewed here.

In our view, if all through traffic in Hyde Park were banned - which seems to be the “direction of travel” - the major upsurge in “rat running” west of Kensington Gardens caused by TfL’s misguided Lancaster Gate scheme would become even worse. There are already segregated cycle lanes in Hyde Park, and we believe a fair balance has been achieved between cyclists, pedestrians and a modest number of vehicles.

We propose to respond along these lines, but as always would welcome any comments you care to send to us at hillgatevillage@outlook.com

Newcombe House

We would remind you, if possible, to diarise the planning inquiry, which will start on November 5th and is expected to run for 8 days. We urge you to attend to support our representations.

Again on a related matter, we learned at the Council meeting that the GLA overruled RBKC once more, on Rockwell Property’s twin towered Holiday Inn proposal (see this article). This would create the tallest tower in the Borough. RBKC is considering its options and Cllr Thalassites, Planning Lead said “The Mayor of London’s decision aims to bully our borough into accepting a development that’s completely unsuited to our area. We’re exploring whether to launch a judicial review.”

Other matters of interest:

Notting Hill Carnival

Residents are invited to attend the official Notting Hill Carnival resident meeting on 15 July 2019, hosted by the event organisers, Notting Hill Carnival. The invitation can be downloaded here.

Heathrow Third Runway

Finally, the Heathrow third runway consultation recently opened (find it here), but here the deadline is mid September; so while we would also encourage you to respond in due course, clearly the previous issues are much more urgent.March 2019 update

The Newcombe House application is to be 'called in'

We are delighted to be able to tell you that the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government has decided to call in the Newcombe House planning application for his own determination. This follows requests for a call-in from HVRA and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC), among others, and means that the Secretary of State will hold a Public Inquiry to decide on the application.

The Inquiry process provides residents with another chance to make their views on the application heard. HVRA will be working hard to represent the views of its members and the wider community. But to do that we will urgently need funds to pay for legal advice and any representations we make on your behalf. This is our last chance to oppose this application, so we would ask all members to renew their subscriptions and contribute to our fighting fund (see details below).  Please also spread the word to any friends/neighbours who you think may be interested in joining our cause.

We will update supporters as soon as we have information about the timing of the Inquiry and HVRA's next steps.

Appointment of our new Chairman

We are pleased to announce that we have a new Chair, Sophie Massey-Cook.  Sophie is a long-standing resident who has been actively involved in local heritage campaigns in RBKC and Westminster. At the Mayor’s Newcombe House hearing in September, Sophie spoke against the proposals on behalf of the Bayswater and South East Bayswater Residents’ Associations (BRA and SEBRA).

SAVE THE DATE: EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting for all members) Monday 13th May

We propose to hold an EGM on the evening of Monday 13thMay to discuss HVRA preparations for the public enquiry and formally to appoint our new Chairman.   Please reserve the date in your diaries. 

M&S Simply Food site, 146-164 Notting Hill Gate

Frogmore will be holding an exhibition to display plans to redevelop the Simply Food site and the three-storey buildings to its left  ‘to bring new retail space and a hotel to the area’.

St John’s Church, Lansdowne Crescent Wednesday 27 March 6-9pm and
Saturday 30th March 10am-2pm.

2019 subscriptions due!

Please renew your subscription, or if not currently a member, please consider joining to support your community! Annual membership is £15 per person (although additional donations large & small are always welcomed...).  Please click the ‘Become a Member’ button below.

Thank you so much for supporting our work for the benefit of our lovely area.  

The HVRA Committee

NEWSLETTER February 2019

AGM Update

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who came to our AGM on the 17th January. We had excellent attendance with well over 50 local residents, together with representation from various other community groups and our MP, Emma Dent Coad, who kindly took time to support us during an exceptionally busy week in Parliament.  The key areas discussed are outlined below.

Newcombe House
Tanya Alfillé gave us an update since Mayor Khan’s decision, last September, to grant planning permission to the developer. She reported that the Secretary of State for Housing, James Brokenshire MP, has subsequently issued a holding direction.  This puts the application on hold so there is more time to assess it and decide whether to call it in. If he decides to call in the application, then the application will be considered at a public inquiry, led by a planning inspector who will then make recommendations to the Secretary of State.  There is no time limit on the holding direction.

Association matters
Key news here was that HVRA is without a chairman following Peter Thompson's relocation to the US.  However, since the AGM the Committee has been in discussions with potential candidates and we are confident that dissolution of the association will be avoided.

The accounts were approved (with thanks to Anthony Rawlinson and Tom Kristensen for verifying these), and the Committee members re-elected.

We have 138 paid-up members and 422 subscribers to our mailing list - many of whom are households, so our reach is almost certainly well in excess of 1000 individuals.  2019 subscriptions are now due - see below!

Other work
We have arranged representation at the London Forum (an association pulling together residents' associations from across London) and have already attended information sessions of relevance to what we do.

We also informed our members of the proposed extension to the opening hours of Mc Donalds in order to galvanise opposition to the application, which was withdrawn.

Since the AGM we have also highlighted the plans to move Victoria Coach Station to Royal Oak, which would cause a huge increase in traffic and pollution in Bayswater, with knock-on effects on the surrounding areas.

2019 subscriptions due!

Please renew your subscription, or if not currently a member, please consider joining to support your community! Annual membership is £15 per person (although additional donations large & small are always welcomed...).  Our details are:

Sort code: 30 96 19
A/c: 26278968

Please be sure to put your name as a reference, and send an email to hillgatevillage@outlook.com so that we can make sure our records are up to date.

Thank you so much for supporting our work for the benefit of our lovely area.  

The HVRA Committee

NEWSLETTER January 2019


Dear members and supporters, 

A formal notification that our next AGM will be held at 7pm on Thursday 17th January 2019 at the Unitarian Church, 112 Palace Gardens Terrace, W8 4RT, followed by drinks (£5 cash donation on the night). Please do come along - if you are not already a Member you can join on the door!
Call for Volunteers – HVRA Needs You! The HVRA is a voluntary, community organisation. It can only exist and operate through the hard work of its volunteers. As many members of the current Committee have served since the organisation’s founding some three years ago, new blood is now needed to help develop our Association for the future. If you would like to put yourself forward to join our Committee and/or to give the Association practical help please email us on hillgatevillage@outlook.com.     
On behalf of all our colleagues on the HVRA Committee, thank you very much for your support during the past year, which is much appreciated. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM and to hearing from potential volunteers.
John Learmonth, Vice Chair
Alexander Burrows, Secretary